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  • Published Date

    November 23, 2018
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How can we not boldly, humbly Thank You to our Creator God who has spoiled all of us? Thank You for our hearts that beat consistently without batteries or needing to be plugged in every night. Thank You for our briliant, complex, brains that don't need monthly upgrades. The air we breath has just the right recipe of O, CO2, N etc. Thank You for our amazingly eflicient water/ snow recycle system-so clean, so "green so quiet, so faithfully working. hour after hour wo our concern or $$ from us. We never or seldom stop to thank you for how you sustain life- the elk, bluebirds, caterpillars, fish, flowers and each of them keep reproducing regularly year after year; century after century-you sustain . Your creation is amazing- English words cannot express how amazing you are and how amazing is your love toward us. You are a good good Father How can we not say THANK YOU for spoiling us? and living in Eagle County, USA, is the icing on the cake. THANK YOU to our Creator God who deserves ALL Thanks!! Happy Thanksgiving, from the folks at Trinity Reeycling The gift of sound to hear a babbling brooke, or to hear the song of a bird, thank you for those three tiny bones in each ear, and that they give us balance too... and that reminds us that gravity is just the right measure so a child can skip and jump and not have a heavy gait that drags her along, and a seedling can gently push up out of the ground. Swimming is cool thank you for allowing humans to swim! Even that water is everywhere and freezes from the top down so aquatic life canl live during winter. Marine life itself! tastebuds!! Thank for the gift of taste- to taste sweet cold vanilla ice cream or a juicy well seasoned steak, or the perfectly packaged, juicy, fruits you invented-that not only taste delicious, but actually have nutrients our bodies can use. The miracle of the eyeball??!! to see a beautiful sunset, a babies smile, the mystery of a baby starting as a zygote smaller than a speck of dust.. and in 9 months a complete little human with time clocks programmed in their bodies when to get baby teeth, adult teeth, set time for coming of age..SLEEP! What a fabulous idea! AWAKE is great too- play, love, friendship, adrenaline, peace. Sight! The Northern lights! Wildflowers in the forrest that no human will ever see-yet still each one has such intricate detail proudly standing to give glory to You such diversity and color COLOR! Fall colors once a year such a treat! White! What a perfect clean color for snow, thank you its not grey or brown. And how cool tha falls from the sky gently and not dangerously. You are so amazing-let alone our ribosomes inside our cells and the far far away galaxies- how do you have a moment or us? Yet you are so big- that you do. You are so smart, so huge, so powerful so glorious! Thank you for taking the time to keep our hearts beating last night! You are an amazing God. Thank you for all your gifts the pages of all the books in all the libraries on earth could probably not contain all the gifts and wonder you have given to us and created. It is so clear that you love us. THANK YOU GOD! For God so loved the world that He gave his only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life, John 3:16 Porque tanto anto Dios al munda, que dio a su Hijo unigenito, para que todo el que cree en El nosepienda sino quetenga vida etema Jusn 3:36